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This utility is capable of performing the following actions in CLI:

Action add-plan-openvz

This action adds Plan for OpenVZ with the specified parameters.

Option Parameter Description
--plan-name Plan name Mandatory
--hdd Hdd value(in GBs) Mandatory
--ram Guaranteed RAM(in MBs) Mandatory
--bursted-ram Bursted RAM(in MBs) Mandatory
--bandwidth Bandwidth(in GBs) Mandatory


php /usr/local/solusvm/scripts/solusvm --action=add-plan-openvz
--plan-name=test --hdd=10 --ram=256 --bursted-ram=386 --bandwidth=10

Action add-api-user

This action creates API user without IP restriction

Option Parameter Description
- - - -


php /usr/local/solusvm/scripts/solusvm --action=add-api-user

Action add-template-openvz

This action adds legacy template for OpenVZ with the specified parameters.

Option Parameter Description
--file-name Template file name Mandatory
--template-name Template name Mandatory
--description Template description Mandatory
--status Active/Disabled Template status Mandatory
--arch x86_64/i386 Template architecture Mandatory


php /usr/local/solusvm/scripts/solusvm --action=add-template-openvz
--file-name=centos-6-x86_64.tar.gz --template-name=test
--description=test --status=Active --arch=x86_64

Action add-ipv4-block

This action registers IPv4 block in SolusVM

Option Parameter Description
--node-name Must corresponds to the node name Node name Mandatory
--block-name Ipv4 Block name Mandatory
--gateway Gateway Mandatory
--nameserver1 nameserver Mandatory
--nameserver2 nameserver Mandatory
--netmask netmask Mandatory


php /usr/local/solusvm/scripts/solusvm --action=add-ipv4-block
--node-name=centos6 --block-name=test --gateway=
--nameserver1= --nameserver2= --netmask=

Action add-ipv4-address

This action registers IPv4 IP address in IPv4 block in SolusVM

Option Parameter Description
--ipv4-address Ipv4 address Mandatory
--block-name Ipv4 Block name Mandatory


php /usr/local/solusvm/scripts/solusvm --action=add-ipv4-address
--ipv4-address= --block-name=test